VEGAS NEAR MYTHS REVEALED: Flying Pink Elephants at Circus Circus & Other Incredible True Stories

VEGAS NEAR MYTHS REVEALED: Flying Pink Elephants at Circus Circus & Other Incredible True Stories

By Marcus Bennett

December 30, 2024 at 03:44 PM

Las Vegas is home to numerous wild stories that seem too outlandish to be true, yet some have proven to be legitimate pieces of Sin City history. Here are two incredible verified tales from Vegas' past.

Circus Circus' Flying Pink Elephants

In 1968, Circus Circus casino actually suspended baby elephants from an overhead tram system, creating the illusion of flying pink elephants above the casino floor. While it sounds unbelievable:

  • Baby elephants (weighing 300-450 lbs) were transported via aerial tram
  • The elephants wore diapers during their flights
  • The stunt was short-lived due to concerned gamblers below
  • The idea came from casino founder Jay Sarno, known for outlandish publicity stunts
  • The story was confirmed by Sarno's daughter Heidi Straus, who noted "They weren't all that keen on what was going on overhead"

Flying pink elephants, mother and baby

Flying pink elephants, mother and baby

Elephant with bingo card

Elephant with bingo card

Cirque du Soleil female aerial performers

Cirque du Soleil female aerial performers

The Hoover Dam's Tragic Coincidence

An eerier true story involves the first and last deaths during Hoover Dam's construction:

  • John Gregory Tierney drowned in 1921 while surveying the dam site
  • His son Patrick Tierney died in 1935, falling from the completed structure
  • Both father and son died on December 20, exactly 14 years apart
  • Their names appear on a commemorative plaque near the dam

Father and son Tierney

Father and son Tierney

These verified stories demonstrate that sometimes truth is indeed stranger than fiction, especially in Las Vegas.

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