Nevadans Most Often Google How to Spell 'Seizure,' Study Shows
Nevadans frequently searched Google in 2024 to verify the spelling of "seizure," according to new research from Essay Hub. This finding emerged from analysis of Google Trends data examining the most common "How do you spell..." searches across different states.

Google search results for "seizure"
The prevalence of this search term in Nevada is particularly notable given that over 31,000 Nevada residents live with epilepsy, a condition characterized by seizures. The state's epilepsy rate of 1,047 to 1,098 per 100,000 people exceeds the national average, though falling below Mississippi's highest rate of 1,194 and above Utah's lowest rate of 960.
Other states showed distinctive spelling challenges:
- Idaho and West Virginia residents frequently searched how to spell their own state names
- New Jersey commonly searched "thousand"
- Pennsylvania often checked "reimbursement"
- Montana, Nebraska, and South Dakota struggled with "beautiful/beautifully"
- California searched for "tomato"
- Alaska commonly verified "cheese"
- New Mexico regularly checked "bologna"
The data came from Essay Hub's analysis of Google Trends, which tracks search patterns across regions and languages. According to an Essay Hub spokesperson, while many commonly misspelled words like "business" and "dessert" appeared as expected, the data revealed several surprising patterns in different states.
Johns Hopkins Medicine defines a seizure as a sudden, temporary change in behavior, movement, and/or consciousness caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Common symptoms include uncontrolled shaking, staring spells, stiffness, twitching, and loss of consciousness.
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